Your donations support conservation areas and outdoor education programs for children in the region, and enable the Cataraqui Conservation to purchase new lands for protection. Give today through CanadaHelps.org.
Interested in participating in one of our fundraising activities, awareness campaigns, or joining our board of directors? Have a fundraising idea you would like to share? Contact us today.
Securities or mutual funds
Since capital gains taxes don't apply, a donation of securities or mutual funds can be the most efficient way to give charitably. Contact us to learn more, or donate securities or mutual funds through CanadaHelps.org.
Join a fundraiser
Your donations support conservation areas and outdoor education programs for children in the region, and enable the Cataraqui Conservation to purchase new lands for protection. Give today.
Become a corporate sponsor
Corporate support can provide important support for conservation efforts. If you are interested in working with the foundation to strengthen one of our many worthwhile projects or education activities, contact us today.
Other ways to donate
In addition to donating directly to the CCF, there are many other ways you can support the foundation with a monetary gift.
By Cheque
Simply complete this Pledge Form and forward to the address indicated.
If you’d like to raise funds in support of the Conservation Authority for your birthday, event, or for any other reason, you can do so by visiting our Facebook Page, select ‘Fundraisers’ and follow the instructions to raise awareness and money for this great cause.
Leave a Legacy
Alternatively, you can request in your will that you wish to leave property, money or the residue of your estate to the Foundation. For more information on how to proceed with this option, contact our Treasurer at catconservationfoundation@gmail.com